Loving iLevel

Being in a power chair at eye level is inspiring, as well as invigorating. I appreciate the fact that it helps me do what I love to do on a daily basis. My passion and love for painting helps with my dexterity. I can manipulate colors and play around with size. I also like iLevel because I love the fact that I can elevate my wheelchair and adjust my thermostat to my comfort.

iLevel motivates me to get from point A to point B. Driving while I’m elevated lets me see where I am going. With iLevel, I can adjust my wheelchair seat to be at anyone’s height. It allows me to connect with people more on a personal level. I can go out and hang out with all my close friends and relatives, which is always a plus. You need to keep your loved ones close.

Outside of friends and family, iLevel elevation helps me be visible in the community. I love that I can go outside a lot once it’s warm outside. iLevel can help me work on my tan! with iLevel, I have the confidence to do what I want, when I want. I can go down the street and have some fun, socialize with friends, do some painting… the possibilities are endless! As long as you keep creating new experiences, you’ll always have love for life and the passion for the things that you do. And, just for fun… I love that I have iLevel so I can speak about it in this blog today.

Love what you do. Do what you love. Love yourself. Help those around you that need help just as much as you. As time continues and technology evolves, I can’t wait to see what else they come up with to help people like me live our lives to the fullest.

About Jesse Cuellar: Jesse is an artist and a brand ambassador for Quantum Rehab®. An accident left him paralyzed from the neck down, so he uses his mouth to paint and expresses himself through his art. Jesse lives in St. Louis, Missouri, and enjoys painting and hanging out with his friends. Click here to learn more about Jesse.