Morgan’s Life in Quarantine

COVID-19 has thrown us all for a loop! When I first heard about the coronavirus that had everybody going crazy, I didn’t think much of it. When we didn’t have to go to school for a few weeks, I had mixed feelings. I thought about how I would miss my friends and some of my teachers, but definitely not going to school! The good thing was that I didn’t have to get up so early in the morning or find anything to wear that matched. What I didn’t know was that I would be out for the rest of the school year. I soon found myself having to wake up every morning and reach out to my teachers on a program called Zoom.

The pandemic has definitely shaken some things up. Nobody is living a normal life. Parents like my mom are working from home and most places are closed until further notice. This break has been good as well as bad. One thing we have to do is called social distancing, which means that everybody has to stay apart from each other, at least 6 feet. It is a precaution to keep people safe because a lot of people are dying from COVID-19, especially in highly populated areas like Georgia. This has made grocery store lines long for when my mom goes out for food. Lately, my doctor visits have changed into to checkup calls only, unless I really need to see a doctor.  Seniors like my Grand mom and great grandparents must shelter in place because they can get the coronavirus easier since they have health problems. This especially have been hard for me because I’m so used to spending time with them. I now see and talk to them through Zoom.

My mom has been really protective over me, my sister and brother during this time. I have a weak immune system and lung disease with a history of having pneumonia multiple times. My mom is washing everything. And I mean everything! No shoes in the house now and she wipes off every food package on the porch before she brings it in the house. She also cleans all door handles every day. No one except one nurse is allowed in my home. We are only allowed to go outside around the perimeters of our house. What really scared her was when we found out that one of my close friends with the same condition that I have called spinal muscular atrophy died earlier this month from the Coronavirus. We had both spent the last two years together at the SMA conference.

To help our immune systems stay strong, my mom makes elderberry syrup and she gives it to me and my siblings. I know how to make it now because my mom let me help over the break. I really enjoyed learning because it is something I can use in my daily life. Maybe one day if my mom is too tired, she will let me direct my sister while she makes it. 

While sheltering in place, I have been doing a bunch of research on my own. The homework that we have for class is a lot and since we aren’t in an actual classroom, I’ve taken it upon myself to see if I can find the correct answers before I reach out to my teachers. It is hard for one teacher to reach out to all of us. I learned a new computer program in my spare time as well. Learning new software helps me for when I decide to become a video game designer

Social distancing has really made me appreciate being around other people. Sometimes I really enjoy being by myself, but after this isolation, I am due for some time with my friends.  I have learned to make spaghetti and I even learned how to boil crab. We have played board games and watched some good movies. This has probably been the best break I have had, way better than any winter and spring break. My family is pretty close, but the social distancing has brought us even closer.

I think that this is the case for most families. Throughout this whole ordeal, many people have felt defeated and sad but there is always a brighter side to any situation. Social distancing may have changed our social interaction, but I think that it has changed our lives for the better. Many families didn’t spend much time at all together and they didn’t think about the importance of cleanliness and germs, especially in public places. Stay safe out there!

About Morgan Steward: Morgan is an honorary police officer for the Covington Georgia Police Department. He lives with his mother, father and two siblings. He is an active member in his community and enjoys helping others. Click here to learn more about Morgan.